For the past 6months my new found friend and constant companion by the name of MR Focus has never swayed. I have slept, worked and eaten always with my ultimate goal occupying my thoughts. I have NEVER experienced something so powerful. Some may call it an obsession and others may say it’s unhealthy and get a life. Maybe it’s a bit of both. But the strength I have found from having Mr Focus and believing in myself is ENORMOUS.
So imagine my wonderment on Monday morning when it suddenly all went away. I was/still am in a bit of pain from Saturday. I don’t think I have ever pushed my body to put up with such limits ever before. It is now Wednesday and I didn’t ride this morning. No big deal, but I did set the alarm and when I woke up thought, “No need to ride, so why get up”. Work is pretty hectic which doesn’t help matters but however busy, I am usually keener than ever to train.
I know I need to rest and that is fine. I am resting. But I don’t like losing Mr Focus. Something that is with me night and day, I want it back. I feel I have entered no-man’s land and it's not nice.
It’s only been a couple of days and hope he will come back when my body is good and ready to start the final 6months of my journey. Last time I gave IM a silly 2 months to train and I know I was lucky to achieve what I did. This round I want to do it properly. The goal posts keep moving and to keep up with them I know some expert guidance and more blood, sweat and tears is needed.
So if anyway has seen Mr Focus idling around in places he should not be, ie: pubs and clubs! Can you please give him a stern talking too and promptly send him back to me, preferably by Saturday! Cheers.
So imagine my wonderment on Monday morning when it suddenly all went away. I was/still am in a bit of pain from Saturday. I don’t think I have ever pushed my body to put up with such limits ever before. It is now Wednesday and I didn’t ride this morning. No big deal, but I did set the alarm and when I woke up thought, “No need to ride, so why get up”. Work is pretty hectic which doesn’t help matters but however busy, I am usually keener than ever to train.
It’s only been a couple of days and hope he will come back when my body is good and ready to start the final 6months of my journey. Last time I gave IM a silly 2 months to train and I know I was lucky to achieve what I did. This round I want to do it properly. The goal posts keep moving and to keep up with them I know some expert guidance and more blood, sweat and tears is needed.
So if anyway has seen Mr Focus idling around in places he should not be, ie: pubs and clubs! Can you please give him a stern talking too and promptly send him back to me, preferably by Saturday! Cheers.
Relax, get drunk, have a week off with no training :) That's probably harder than training.
On a more scientific note Noakes (200 pp239-240) suggests that there is likely to be little enthusiasm for running for at least a week after a marathon and that after an ultramarathon leg muscle strength is significantly reduced for 3 weeks and herat rater is elevated for about a month. Friel and Bryn (2003 p172) suggest that "may athletes have pushed themselves into an overtrined state ...if your body is not ready to start training again you will receive numerous warning signals. Ignoring the signals will likely end in either injury or illness"
Finally picks up on the lethargy and the loss of focus after a race where you've really pushed your limits.
Hope this helps
Cheers Denis, didn't get a chance to say hi over the weekend. Like everyone else I know what I SHOULD be doing. Getting drunk however...ahh - not a pretty sight and usually a once a year blow out for me and since I have already used up that pass this year...Will do my best though:)
relax, chill, smell the roses, hook up with some buddies, knock off tri thoughts, do some spring cleaning, go shopping, wash the car (huh!), sleep ... mr (& mrs) focus will return tomorrow. after your desaru triumph over matter, its only natural. i was telling the boys on the run this morn of your 2:40 bike split, they went "Oohhh!!!!" :)
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