Tuesday, August 11, 2009


At the end of my run this morning I popped in the regular pit-stop for refueling and left bloody footprints all on the floor...those shoes are now in the BIN!!! they were NOT Avia.
These shoes were a freebie and I have never been able to wear them without them causing some discomfort, a blister here, a bloodied foot there. So why wear them you may ask? I run a lot. My shoes get really wet and take time to dry. I rotate them and basically if I used them just for the short stuff I got away with it...most of the time. And as I only have one pair of my favourite Bolts at the moment I am reticent to use them for all speed training...need them fresh for the races.
Today though was the last straw. I got rather into my pyramid session this morning...I knew something was happening to my foot but didn't really look down to see until on the warm down. When I did though I thought...OH SHIT what a mess!!!
Into the 7-11 for a Gatorade pick up and slosh slosh slosh...I left wet bloodied footprints all over their floor - SORRY :(
So there you have it...they were not for me, maybe because I am a heel striker or maybe they were just a bad design, or maybe I needed a pedicure!
Now I am waiting for Avia to kindly let me try out the Bolt II's...they are not in store yet..you will know when they are :)


Jense said...

Nonetheless, you should run different shoes, as many pairs as you do runs each week, they say. So that the feet have something to work on :)

yipwt said...

i got a feeling the front is too tight...did your nail fell off?

Emma said...

not too tight..it is one of the widest shoes I have worn!

Khoo Yit Kiat said...

Shit, that's a bloody shoe! Yukes! You know why that happen, it's a free item! Haha...that explains it..