Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Dungeon

I call my home back in KL The Dungeon. It does have windows but has such bad mobile and Internet reception it sometimes feels like a Dungeon! Anyway, after my painful swim this morning I returned to my room for a well needed rest and breakfast. Just as I am going through emails the phone goes...
Apparently I was only booked in for 2 nights. They are fully booked (it is Good Friday tomorrow - A HUGE deal over here) and there is no room for Emma!! I have had to leave the quiet comforts of my room and move to...wait for it...
THE DRIVERS QUARTERS!!! Now this IS a dungeon (see picture). No windows. Very noisy air con, no water, no mirror. To have a wee and check ones appearance I have to go to the end of the corridor, down the fire escape and use the staff locker room. Of which there is ONE toilet and ONE rather dirty shower...mmmmn, maybe I will snap a picture of that too!
Went out on George, had lunch and I have just had a shower, and the cleaning ladies I am sure had a good giggle over this white chick washing in THEIR bathroom!!
The plus? It is cheaper. And it still has wi-fi and TV (not sure if that works though).
Off to the track later for the run assessment. And then I will have to brave the slime of the communal shower once more - OH JOY!

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