Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Free Advice!

We all love free stuff especially when connected to triathlon. This is not a ploy to get you to start logging onto a particular site but I find this link increasingly helpful, entertaining and very interesting. For those of you who enjoyed Brett Sutton’s talk last week at TBB I am sure you will enjoy it and for those who missed out and failed to show up then you can get a taste of what was missed.
If you have a question (peeing on the bike, dehydration issues in IM etc.) that you would like to pose to Brett (aka “DOC”) or any of the other pro’s in TeamTBB then sign up and post your question and they will get back to you, it’s simple as that. Meanwhile, concerned over cadence, wheels, nutrition etc, then you will surely find some advice and entertaining anecdotes there along the way. ENJOY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

brett "the kiddy fucker"

he is banned by ITU.