We all have different goals in life and getting there is often the toughest part of the journey because you soon learn that just trying is not enough. If you think you have already done your best then you have already failed.
The woman who ran the world: The inspirational story of the widow who conquered her grief by jogging round the globe By Amanda Cable
Rosie Swale-Pope marked her 57th birthday by donning trainers, pulling on a backpack and leaving her pretty Welsh cottage to go for a run. Five years, 20,000 miles and 53 pairs of running shoes later, she hobbled back on crutches with a fractured hip but an unbroken, and truly remarkable, spirit. During her extraordinary (some might say fool-hardy) solo round-the-world run, she was shadowed by a pack of wolves in Russia, confronted by a naked gunman in Siberia and nearly froze to death in Alaska.
For anyone who is training for Xterra or just fancies stretching their legs on an extra long mountain bike ride this weekend, come along to the annual EPIC ‘bash’. The difference between this and a normal mountain bike hash is there will be no ‘checking’. Instead riders will stay on paper for a continuous 55KM course of glorious trails and mega climbs through Kampung, palm and rubber trails. The cost to non-members is RM15 and the ride will be supported with two drink stops. Although not officially a race, timings will be taken at the end. See the main website http://www.bikehash.freeservers.com/ for more details.