Drove down late last night. Actually, sorry didn’t leave late but arrived rather late as my co driver...aka Disco Dave felt the need to NOT listen and have faith in the Major’s text message instructions!! (Kidding mate) or not. Anyway Dave felt so bad he let me take the bed in our apartment and he took the sofa. Now I say “apartment” in the loosest of terms. Think shitty kitchen, combination of wallpapers hanging off the wall, dodgy everything...as Disco said when he takes a gal away for the weekend he REALLY does it in STYLE!!
It was just a place to lay our head and thank you Wong for arranging the room and Major for collecting our packs.
I realised I had forgot my race belt...no biggie...I also forgot something else even more important than a race belt after I showered and changed after the race but I will leave that to your imagination!
Ok so onto race day...
Cup of shitty coffee...really must start taking my own brew. Banana nut muffin (home cooked). We rode down to the start about 2k away for about 7am, race was due to start at 8ish (Malaysian time).
Not many people, very few ladies but a good atmosphere. Steph my nemesis was there so unless someone else slipped under the radar if I got out the swim and had a clean bike it would be between the two of us.
I went for a warm up swim in the polluted water that had ZERO visibility and with only 3 little buoys to sight and a pair of goggles that gave me vision similar to that of Mr Magoo I was worried I would be able to find my way round one loop let alone two. I was in the water less than 5mins and bam, zap, pow, yow...WTF!! FIVE jelly FISH STINGS I tell you. Right arm twice, left calf, feet twice, enough of a warm up for me I think.
I went to medical with Razlan and they were not yet organised. I stood about then headed back to the start. Then went back to the tent and they applied iodine on the worst part of the arm. I started walking away and they called me back. I thought ooo, what special potion have they got for me. So I went over and they gestured to the medical beds. I frowned and said “WHAT”? They said REST? I said...Excuse me??? I gotta race to do!! HA and off I went.
SWIM: First 250m good, then I got stung again on each loop. This time on the neck, feet and left arm badly. The swim was long as one of the buoys had moved so 1750m not 1500m. It went on and on and on I just wanted out. I felt cramp threatening in my left calf that was stung and couldn’t kick; this I guess did not help matters. I got out in a damn awful 45min and was told I was 20minutes behind.
My first thought was, must be 20minutes behind the leaders – guys included surely I can’t be 20 behind Steph. (I found out later I was 20behind Steph and Steph was the 1st out the water!)

After passing the crowds with myself at the front, on the next two loops as we came into view of the supporters to save face one of the guys would come out the pack and ride upfront! At first I thought hey good on you. And for the first time ever I thought okay I will draft he was holding the pace I had been doing. BUT as soon as we were out of sight of the supporters the B******* dropped straight off the front and back behind me. I looked at him as if to say IS THAT IT?? And then thought oh WTF if it makes you feel more of a MAN!
He did it again on the final loop by the way.
Ride: 1hr 8min – I WILL do a 1hr ride...sometime...got quicker on each loop which is WHY I AM A LONG DISTANCE GIRL!! 40k!! Bahhhhh.
RUN: Out on to the run and I am now informed leader is 5mins in front. WOW...now I am thinking I could actually do this. Trouble is on the bike I gave it my all telling myself to feel the pain...you must feel pain and then just handle the run when it comes. I seriously didn’t know if my leg would seize and whether I would or could run...just cross that bridge when I get there was the train of thought.

Disco did fantastically well especially after he hit a pothole on the first loop and his handle bars took a little dive! We collected our prizes (I can now fly to the Philippines 70.3 instead of taking a slow boat which is what doing the race today all was about) and then drove straight back.
I had an instructed 60min turbo from coach to do, so as soon as I got home I went down to TBB and hooked George up to the turbo and span for 60minutes. It’s not as crazy as it sounds. When you do as much long stuff as I do week in week out it was just about loosening up. But I am rather pooped now you may be glad to hear.
So that’s it...a good training day and a fun manic weekend with good friends who made the journey. Really well organised and crowd supported for a small race and I would definitely go again next year if the calender allows!
Great JOB!
PD in two weeks...Will someone alert the Jelly Fish that Emma Bishop is coming to PD!
What am I doing tomorrow?? After checking in with the BOSS – 3 days of SERIOUS SWIMMING!!!