Monday, June 8, 2009

Day II

Sat 6th
I planned a 2hour run for Saturday morning. Since we needed to be set up by 9am, that meant starting at 5.30am. Alarm went off at 4.45am and up I got. It was 8k round trip from the Vistana down to the beach and back so I figured aim to do 3loops in my 2hours. Get back at 7.30am, shower quick brekkie and off to work - hi ho - this is what i meant when training and work can sometimes make for some a very long day!
The run was awesome. On the first loop out down at the beach I almost came face to face with a wild boar, I made my u-turn and by the time I returned on the 2nd loop the town was slowly waking up and all wildlife had scarpered.
I completed my three loops in a tad under 2hours - very happy with that. I was also wearing my new AVIA Avi-Lite II's - just giving them an outing. I am pleased to report NO chaffing, blisters or discomfort. They offer some light cushioning on the heel which is good for heel to forefoot strikers (which I am) - BUT personally I prefer running in the Bolts :)
After breakfast it was all about keeping on the go. If I slow down after a long run I won't get going again. Lucky for me Saturday was MANIC! Bike check-in (we ran a book on what time the first bike would be checked in). I think Daniel won...I forget who lost (probably me) so I guess I owe you all a drink!!

Business was brisk and meeting up with old Friends and making new acquaintances was fun. The most common question asked to me? Why are you not racing?? Me to everyone-Not in the plan!!!Saturday was a really long 7pm we were still checking in late bikes and all of us were seriously flagging. Carbo dinner was mostly leftovers but I shoveled some food down and then went and saw to my emails while the others popped out for some satay.
Tomorrow was another early one - 4.30am! CRAP.

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