Bee, having been rather disappointed with her time in Borneo posted a new PB of 4hours and 9min on the back of a new PB in Powerman last week – way to go BEE!
Meng with little or no training ripped off his marathon in 4hours and 25minutes – so what are you going to do WITH some training under the belt??
Chris went for the 25k half, maybe Penangites went to the same school for math as I because I am pretty sure 25 is not half of 42! With both hamstrings pulled 6k from the end Chris did a solid job and posted 2hours and 37minutes and that’s on the back of a new PB for her 11k time in Powerman last week.
Chris went for the 25k half, maybe Penangites went to the same school for math as I because I am pretty sure 25 is not half of 42! With both hamstrings pulled 6k from the end Chris did a solid job and posted 2hours and 37minutes and that’s on the back of a new PB for her 11k time in Powerman last week.
I was never even entertaining the idea of doing this race so my hat comes off to you guys – well done! Go now and be gluttonous!
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