Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ironguides Journal WK-6

It was a fatiguing week of sorts. With recovery swim and spin sessions on Monday following Powerman I got through them and looked forward to Tuesday as my first official off day from training. How did it go? I missed the routine but told myself these days will be few and far between so make the most of it. My prescription for rest included eating lots of rubbish and basically lolling around watching TV and catching the new Bond movie in the evening (all after my work duties were taken care of you understand).
Wednesday morning was still light training. I dearly wanted to join the morning ride but instead had to settle for an easy jog. This was fun though as for once I wasn’t solo and had a refreshing morning run with Chris. As Wednesday evening rolled round I was all set for the swim session and ready to kick-start training. The session was good but I was still clearly fatigued. This seemed to go unnoticed however as Peh commented on how good and quick my swim was looking...hmmmn (it’s the wettie). I guess part of competing anyway is about trying to disguise your moments of weakness. Try and keep a stiff upper lip, it doesn’t matter what is going on inside, just make sure the packaging stays in one piece and together!
Thursday, my favourite swim session followed up by an evening run. The run was great, was feeling good. So good that Friday morning I killed myself in the pool, great strong session and then went and poked my head in the doors of True Fitness for a light session of weights. With the week in the bag I was looking forward to the Saturday ride. Coach Vinnie had agreed to a longer than usual route of the Ulu Langat-Perez-coffee shop loop in preparation for Phuket. Instructions: HIT THE HILL HARD!
I must have done the 9k Perez Time Trial hill no more than a handful of times. The idea is to basically get up there as quickly as you can. On my first assent nearly a year ago I enjoyed a leisurely ride absorbing the crisp morning and scenery. Since then I have kept note of how long it takes me to pedal those 9k’s. Not a killer like Genting it is still a challenge especially if you try and hit it hard. To date my best achieved was 26min24sec on June 28th (this is also the last time I did Perez). Yesterday I did 26min06sec. The time is coming down and that I can only hope is an indication of my improvement over the past few weeks with some pain and stubborn determination thrown in. I am well known for not being great going up hills. Probably more famous for falling off/down them so I am more than a little pleased with any time decrease especially when the legs were still screaming from a hard race the previous weekend.
The post brick run went ahead and while this is probably the nastiest kind of run training anyone could ever imagine and God forbid endure it was made easier by the fact the weather yesterday was rainy, dull and gloomy. Not something one would usually celebrate, but when training; this type of weather is a welcome reprieve and results in no soaring heart rate and no need for water on route...what a difference a few degrees can make. I was fortunate in Langkawi this year for it not to be a scorcher on the run. Will we be so lucky next year? We can only hope and pray to the rain Gods to answer that one.
Nothing much to say about the Sunday run, not particularly easy but it got done. I am looking forward to starting week7 head down all guns a-blazing to fire myself up for Phuket. And just to give me a little carrot to chase, Perez is beckoning again next week so let’s see if I can break that 26min barrier – the gauntlet is DOWN!

Footnote: Please forgive the picture, the artist in me took over! Looks like I shouldn't give up the day job eh?

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